The Protein


if you are dealing with some medical conditions chronically, thinking of the possibility of lack of protein is worthy.

As you know, our body is mainly made by protein,it means that lack of protein could develop many kinds of health issues. I have seen a lot of clients so far as a chiropractor here for over 20 years,  it tells me the importance of protein.

Health issues from lack of protein


・nightmere・anaemia ・joint stiffness ・depression・reumatoid arthritis・chronic pain・muscle stiffness・fatigue・paranoia and more!

why nightmere?

nightmere comes from lack of protein may suond weired.but the substance that contorols mental stability is made by protein. and it is mainly “serotonin“.

protein ⇒tryptophan⇒ 5HTP⇒ serotonin⇒ melatonin

as mentioned above,this is how serotonin prvided and related protein. 

besides “nightmere” ,not enough protein can develop others too !

who gets lack of protein?

it is young female,because of menstral. when you have a menstral you will loose blood a lot. at the same time you will loose protein. besides, young female tends to have a lower absoption rate of protein than man.

Even if you young female eat protein ,like  meat, egg, fish, chicken,  the same amount of man,you won”t abosorb protein as well as man. because female doesn’t produce enzymes enough to digest protein. 

this is why young female easily gets lack of protein.

if you find any blood clots in your menstral often,it is the typical sign  you need more protein!

how to deal with it?

adding more protein in to your diet everyday is the ideal solution, but in reality, it can be tough. then, I reccomend you take protein powder instead.

but,there are many types of protein powder. the most reccomendable type of protein powder is

WPI protein.

WPI protein powder is a type of whey protein, but unlike WPC protein powder and other types,it doesn’t include any allergic substances. this is why WPI protein powder is reccomendable to everyone.

how much amount ?

1kg of your weight needs to have 1g of protein, then if you weigh 50kg, you need to intake 50g of protein a day.

chiken,pork,beef,fish,  they basically contain 20% of protein (ex: 100g of chiken contains 20g of protein)

egg contains 6g of protein

if you are active to workout,then you may need more!

caution about plant based protein

some people may claim that plants include protein a lot,then we don’t have to eat animal based protein.

however,our digestive system is  more simmilar to carnivore than hernivore. we humankind don’t digest plant based protein enough, abosob enough neither. 

this is why we human should choose animal based protein.



Chiropractor, Acupuncturist  Yusuke Yahagi
Graduated ,Japan chiropractic college
Graduated, Tokyo medical college


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